Step 2: Add Research Background

Providing your research background helps the AI tailor the survey experience, ensuring questions are relevant and maximizing the quality of insights.

Step 3: Setup Question Guide

By assigning importance levels to each subquestion, you guide the AI's focus, ensuring the most critical questions receive the attention they deserve.

Step 4: Publish Your Survey

Generate the link and send them to your target Interviewees. The AI will take care of the rest, adapting questions and analyzing responses in real-time.

The Interviewee Interface

With the published link, the interviewees can start their survey.

Select The Question

At the begining, AI will generate 3 relevant questions based on the research background. The interviewee can select the question they want to answer.

Follow Up Questions

After answering the initial question, the AI will generate follow-up questions based on the sentiment of the response. User can also choose to skip the question.

Real-time Keyword Analysis

As the interviewee answers the questions, the AI will analyze the response in real-time and provide a summary of the sentiment and keywords.

Insightful Reporting

After the survey is completed, the AI will generate a comprehensive report with insights and recommendations based on the responses for the researchers.